Find A Program
We have programs for all ages! Please scroll down for:
- Juniors 6-9
- Juniors 10-17
- Adults
Utilize our #tags under each title to help filter out relevant programs for you and your player!
Elementary Juniors (6 - 9)

Little Spikers
#newtovolleyball #noexperience #skillsbuilding
- Monthly sessions, can sign up by week
- No experience needed
- Parents must stay and participate with player
Note: We are not currently accepting registrations for this program.
Juniors (10 - 17)

Junior Player Development (Pink Shirt Academy) (10-15) JAN. - DEC.
#10to15yearsold #noexperience #skillsbuilding #teamplay #newtovolleyball #coed
- Saturdays or Sundays 10:00am-1:00pm
- Co-ed (boys and girls welcome)
- Ages 10 to 15
- Drop-ins welcome

Junior Elite Prep Program
#elitevolleyball #highperformance #clubprep
- Elevate your game to elite levels
- Prep for Fall 2024 Club Travel tryouts
- Exclusive to Pink Shirt Academy & Club Travel players
Note: We are not currently accepting registrations for this program.

Skills Progressions - Hitting, Setting, DS/Libero
#beginner #intermediate #settingtraining #hittingtraining #liberotraining #consistent #11andup
- Focus on hitting, setting, and defense skills
- Covers technique, strategy, and team communication
- 11 and up welcome, juniors and adults

Private Lessons
#1on1 #grouplessons #volleyballlessons
- Single or bundle packages
- Solo or group lessons
- Choose your coach! Or let us choose
Performance Training
#individual #groups #jumphigher #strength #recovery #weekly
- Weekly 1 hour training sessions
- Solo or group training available
- Jump higher, run faster, hit harder!
Contact Coach Mo for more details!

Open Plays
#higherlevelplay #positionals #revco #doubles #15andup
- All ages welcome as play is based on level not age.
- Monday Positionals (Setter, Outside Hitter, Middle Blocker, Opposite, Libero)
- Wednesday and Saturday Reverse co-ed 4s or 2s
- Friday Mini-Tournament (Bring your best team or sign up alone)

Club Season (Nov-May)
#tryouts #tournaments #weeklypractices #team #allages
- Tryouts for boys are October
- Tryouts for girls are November
- Weekend tournaments
- Weekly practices
- Extra skills clinics included
- Open gym use included
#8weekgames #adultleague #league
- 8 weeks of games
- 6 vs 6 Mixed on Thursdays or Sundays
- Benefits for being part of the league
- USAV rules all apply

Skills Progressions - Hitting, Setting, DS/Libero
#beginner #intermediate #settingtraining #hittingtraining #liberotraining #consistent #11andup
- Focus on hitting, setting, and defense skills
- Covers technique, strategy, and team communication
- 11 and up welcome, juniors and adults

Adult Volleyball Training
#coed #2hourpractices #10weeks #Sundays #coached #adults #allexperiencelevels
- Co-ed
- Skills building and team play
- All experience levels welcome
- Coached practices

Open Plays
#higherlevelplay #positionals #revco #doubles #15andup
- All ages welcome as play is based on level not age.
- Monday Positionals (Setter, Outside Hitter, Middle Blocker, Opposite, Libero)
- Wednesday and Saturday Reverse co-ed 4s or 2s
- Friday Mini-Tournament (Bring your best team or sign up alone)
Performance Training
#individual #groups #jumphigher #strength #recovery #weekly
- Weekly 1 hour training sessions
- Solo or group training available
- Jump higher, run faster, hit harder!
- Contact Coach Mo for more details!